Tring Safety Measures and Parking Restrictions – At Last Some are on Their Way!

Hertfordshire County Council has at last given formal notice that a number of road safety schemes which involve parking restrictions are finally to be implemented.
Tring County Councillor, Nick Hollinghurst, said,

“Well, that’s about time, folks! It’s taken well over a year to get this far. Thanks, to Emma Lane for spotting this. I did get an e-mail from Herts County Council yesterday, which I’ve just found, with individual maps so I have been able to check everything is as expected.
They’re all the various double yellow lines to protect road junctions from bad parking and to improve visibility and road safety.
People with keen eyesight will have seen that the first two are for the Tring Station area and, according to my reckoning, the good people of Clarke’s Spring have been waiting at least 5 years for those.”
Cllr Hollinghurst did, however, point out, “The very long delay at Tring Station has been due to the complexities of the situation, rather than being the fault of Hertfordshire Highways – this time! One major problem was getting a clear view about what to do. People might like to note that schemes will not go ahead without a consensus among the nearby residents. Nor will schemes be approved if one group of residents would be favoured or disadvantaged compared to others. The only exception would be if there was a serious highway safety issue. Objections could in such a case be over-ruled.”
Dundale Road, Meadow Close and St Peters Hill are all junction protection schemes to improve visibility near the narrow part of Dundale Road where it goes down to Frogmore Street.
Plaiters Close is to protect the footway from parked cars to allow wheelchairs free access along the pavement as well as improving junction visibility.
Park Street, Park Road and Hastoe Lane are all about – now that the Museum has opened up a car park – keeping Hastoe Lane open and free from obstruction and making the top of Akeman Street safe. At residents’ requests the length of the original lines in Park Road have been reduced.
Windmill Way is about protecting the green in the centre from damage and maintaining an open and uncluttered aspect to this pleasant road.
Miswell Lane, Cobbetts Ride, Highfield, Beaconsfield, Longfield and Goldfield Roads all refer to the protection of the junctions onto Miswell Lane.
The Western Road restrictions are to make the crossroad safer and there is a second scheme in Goldfield Road to improve road safety around the rear entrance to Goldfield School.
Cllr Hollinghurst concluded, “At last these schemes are being put in place! So now I can focus other important schemes like verge parking in Wingrave/Grove area. Yes, I got the petition – thanks. Will be in touch.”