An Automatic Vehicle Speed Monitor (AVSM) is to be fitted to the Transport for London trams which operate in Croydon. This follows a fatal accident in November when 7 people were killed and over 50 injured. That tram was later found to have been travelling three times faster than the speed limit set for a section of track that led into a curve. It toppled over on the curve at Sandilands Junction.
Investigations in February found that the driver may have “lost awareness” and so failed to respond to speed limit signs.
Not only would the AVSM provide a record of tram speed along its route but it would alert the driver of the need to slow down.
TfL is also asking the industry to develop refinements to this equipment which would enable it to automatically apply a brake if the driver did not respond to the alert within a set time.
If such a system is successfully developed and shown not to introduce other risks then it is likely to be rolled out across the UK.