A Motion Expressing Concern about the Government’s Planning White Paper was Passed at DBC Council Meeting

There has been widespread concern among Planning Authorities about several of the proposals in the Government’s recently published White Paper, . The matter was raised and discussed at a meeting of Dacorum Liberal Democrat Councillors and researched by Cllr Liz Uttley and Cllr Nick Hollinghurst. Cllr Uttley found that the Local Government Association, a government supported body which represents all councils and councillors, including of course those that are, like Dacorum Borough Council, Planning Authorities, had produced its own guidelines on this matter and drawn up suggested motions to be put to councils. She then used this as a model to produce a motion to be put to the Council Meeting held on 16th September, 2020.

Following discussions between Councillor Ron Tindall, Leader of the Opposition on the Council and Cllr Andrew Williams, Leader of the Council an amendment was agreed upon which was acceptable to both and which would enable cross-party support for a demonstration of disquiet at some of the Government’s proposals and the possible consequences.

(Amended) Motion proposed by Councillor Ron Tindall and Seconded by Cllr Andrew Williams

The recent changes to planning law made by the Government are causing a stir across the country, removing the right of local people to have a say in the planning process.

In protecting the public’s say in the planning process, this Council notes:

This Council is concerned that the proposals seek to:

This Council Further Notes:

This Council Believes:

This Council requests that,

The wording was designed to express the Council’s deeply felt concerns yet still allow the Overview and Scrutiny Committee the freedom of deliberation as required in the Council’s Constitution.

The motion was passed .