Pulling out of Hemp Lane, Wigginton onto A4251 (London Road) has been a growing problem for some time. Traffic comes fast up the main road from Cow Roast and a good view is essential for safety. However, visibility is limited by a length of iron railings along the side of the water pumping station grounds.
Briars and brambles have over the years grown out through the railings and down the verge blocking the view along the main road. Eventually they even blocked the footpath/cycleway to Cow Roast.
Local residents had done what they could over the years but it is Dacorum Borough Council has the responsibility – as County Council agents – for keeping the verges of roads tidy and clear for visibility.
DBC has been letting us down for years – and County has let them get away with it.
Faced with no action from the Councils and concerned about the safety of road and cycleway users, local Lib Dem County Councillor Nick Hollinghurst decided enough was enough, and, armed with saw and secateurs got to work.
He said “It turned out to be quite a job and needed a good half dozen sessions to get everything cleared.
“But now drivers coming out of Hemp Lane can see right down the A4251 to just past the bus stop. We still need to take a lot of care, but the junction is now a lot safer than it was.”