County Councils are about more than just potholes! As Northamptonshire has show, county councils are also about good governance and financial prudence.
This is of course not to say that the massive cuts to county council funding – typically £20 million a year every year for nearly a decade – were not a factor. They were. But the show must go on, however imperfectly.
The very partial list below is from Herts County Council. We do not necessarily agree, with any particular proposal but the list might illustrate that there are many more issues other than potholes that county counils deal with. And are all being put at risk by continued government financial pressure on the public sector.
It’s a sort of random list, though perhaps skewed a bit towards Childrens’ Services. The point is – if you now have a broader view of the responsibilities of county councils and feel that services like these are important, then why not write to your MP at the House of Commons and say to her/him that you would like the government to reverse the cuts to local authorities to protect important social service like these?
House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA