Politically and personally I believe the Brexit Project has been a complete failure and we now need a People’s Vote to decide between May’s Deal and Remaining.
However, in an effort to be positive and recognise other people’s concerns I feel a compromise along these lines – while not being as good as withdrawing Brexit completely – should be something that could attract support.
So we agree to the Four Freedoms, i.e. free movement of:
1. Capital
2. Labour
3. Services
4. Goods
And EU citizens continue to have the same rights in UK as they had before UK left.
In return we are then able to:
* Trade with EU without tariffs and without customs duties, using the same standards and regulations that we use at the moment.
* Save the City
* Control our borders
* Control Third Country Immigration
* Use the same restriction on benefits, residency and property purchases as in other Member States
* UK citizens will continue to have the same rights in EU as they had before UK left.
* And there will be no problems in Ireland.
So it is understood that we DON’T have to
* Join Euro zone
* Join Schengen area
* Harmonise internal taxation
* Participate in a Common Defence Force
* Participate in the European Parliament
And then we can all get on with business and trying to improve our own individual countries in a harmonious way.
And that’s les than 585 pages!