At the Hertfordshire County Council Meeting on 27th November 2018, the following motion was proposed by Chris White the County Councillor for St Albans Central and (since May 2019) Leader of St Albans & City Council and Councillor for Clarence Ward and duly seconded by Barbara Gibson, the County Councillor for Haldens and (since May 2019) one of the seven East of England MEPs.
“This Council welcomes the recent Government clarification that in next May’s local elections outside London EU citizens will retain their right to both stand and vote for next May’s local elections and any EU citizens elected in May will be able to retain their seats for the duration of their term of office.
However this Council is concerned that following next spring, like everything else to do with Brexit, their rights are completely unclear. Therefore Council calls on Her Majesty’s Government to issue urgent clarification as to the long term future of EU Citizens who have been resident here prior to 29th March 2019.
This Council believes that EU citizens who demonstrate their commitment to the UK by representing residents on local Councils deserve better than this and that the Government must make it clear that, with or without a deal EU citizens who are long-term resident in the UK and Hertfordshire will always be allowed to stand in Council elections.”