The Department for Transport is inviting MPs, local councils and community groups across England and Wales to propose how they could use funding to reinstate axed local services and restore closed stations.
This funding is split into 3 categories to support different projects at different phases of development. The 3 categories are:
Ideas Fund
Through the Ideas Fund the Government are seeking proposals for projects to restore lost rail connections to communities. This could include:
DfT will fund 75% of costs up to £50,000 of successful proposals to help fund transport and economic studies and create a business case. Future funding to develop projects would be subject to agreement of the business case.
Any application for the Ideas Fund must be sponsored by one or more Members of Parliament whose constituencies would benefit from the scheme. The group promoting the scheme may include:
4. or other interested parties.
A “lead promoter” is required to assist in:
Applications must make clear what the local support is for a scheme and whether there is any opposition.
The Ideas Fund Panel comprises:
Ten bidders for the first round of the Ideas Fund have been successful in their application for funding to enable them to progress their proposals towards developing a business case:
Future funding rounds
The June 2020 funding round is progressing with the deadline for full applications by 19 June 2020.
There will be a third funding round in November to enable as many communities as possible to take advantage of the support provided.