Liberal Democrats Brand Tory Social Services Cuts “Vandalism”

Liberal Democrats both at Hertfordshire County Council and elsewhere are horrified at massive cuts aimed at struggling families and children from deprived backgrounds.
They clearly see this as an abandonment of the science and philosophy which underpins Early Years Development and the principles of Early Intervention. The objectives are not only to improve the lives and well-being of children and to help families in difficulties to overcome their problems has been forgotten. They also include the reduction in future social problems by helping children from troubled background enter adulthood with less damage and fewer social, behavioural and cognitive disabilities.
Liberal Democrat Councillor Nick Hollinghurst is particularly concerned about a cut to Homestart’s contracts of £390 million a year from 2016. Nick said, “Home Start has an extensive team of well-trained, experienced and dedicated volunteers who deliver specialised and sensitive support to families in difficulties. Their expertise is internationally recognised and the value of their particular expertise is widely attested.”
“Herts County Council will weaken and damage a respected organisation which, in terms of heading off future social problems, provides incredible value for money. These cuts are nothing short of vandalism!”

When asked what alternative provisions will there be for people who currently receive the Homestart service, Conservative County Councillor Richard Roberts replied that the families who currently receive the home visiting service from Home-Start will have support available to them from their local children’s centre or other community-based support. “This may range from advice on breastfeeding to help preparing children for school,” he said.
Cllr Roberts omitted to say that the Childrens Centres are just now emerging from a reorganisation which has reduced both management and staff, and degraded the skill and experience levels within each one.
Liberal Democrat Councillor Mark Watkins, who specialises in Education and Early Years said, “Cllr Roberts makes it sound so easy. But the families that Homestart supports won’t happily transfer to a County provided service – this is precisely why Homestart is so effective.” By their own admission, in their report to the Social Services Panel council officers conceded that Homestart deals with families who suffer social isolation; children with behaviour problems; children under 6 with disabilities; domestic abuse and drug and alcohol abuse.
He added, “The referrers of families to HomeStart are the Health Visitors. One of the fundamental points about Homestart is that each visit from a trained volunteer typically lasts 2-3 hours! None of the Children’s Centres can afford this sort of time allocation – that why families are referred to them in the first place.”
The County Liberal Democrats will oppose these cuts at every level within the County Council.