Chiltern Chamber Choir Gives Outstanding Performance of Weihnachts-Oratorium (Christmas Oratory) in Berkhamsted’s St Peters Parish Church

Not to be outdone by Tring, on the 23rd December, the Cowper Society presented Bach’s (Christmas Oratory) in Berkhamsted’s St Peters Church in the High Street.
Sung in the original German by the Chiltern Chamber Choir and accompanied by the Bridgewater Sinfonietta, Leader Philip Aird, this outstanding performance held the audience spellbound, from the opening chorus () to the final chorale () which – because of the same frequently used melody from – appropriately rounds off the work with a premonition of Christ’s crucifixion.
Both the Chiltern Chamber Choir and the Bridgewater Sinfonietta are directed by Adrian Davis who has had experience as Guest Conductor of the Leipziger GewandhausChor, a prestigious semi-professional mixed choir founded in 1861 and now based in Leipzig’s third (1981) (Guildhall).
The choir is therfore well familiar with German and Germany and has itself performed in Leipzig and Berlin, as well as having worked together with a local choir in Reutlingen in a performance of Mendelssohn’s
The soloists were Kathryn Jenkin (Soprano), Jeanette Ager (Mezzo-Soprano), Phillip Conway-Brown (Tenor) and Piran Legg (Bass). All with extensive experience and high talent, they combined with choir and orchestra to deliver into one soaring and uplifting experience.
The highlight, if there was indeed one in this consistently accomplished production, could, however, be said to be the soprano aria () delicately and sensitively delivered by Kathryn Jenkins and seamlessly supported by the oboe and by Margaret Cliffe as her “echo”.
With the final note of the final chorale the audience rose to its feet in a tumult of applause and shouts of congratulation – an evening to remember!